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International DanceVision Circuit
Huge news today about first and historic development – Crown Cup Events have teamed up with DanceVision from US, who have been developing their DanceVision circuit with many US & Canada ProAm events already in the bucket. Leading this circuit is obviously one of the most prestigious ProAm events in Los Angeles – Emerald Ball, but the latest news that Crown Cup events have joined up, means a truly first, International ProAm event ranking and event for couples all over the world!
Crown Cup has four events around the globe (well just three so far, but fourth is coming in 2019 in Barcelona, Spain) and have been attracting a lot of attention among ProAm dancers. So it is not strange that DanceVision have chosen these partners to further increase and better their reputation outside of North America.
What does that mean for ProAm dancers?
Well, to begin with, it means that International couples have a much better chance to compete for the big cash prizes that DanceVision Circuit offers, as all the international couples, taking part in any North American event will have their ranking points doubled!
For the American dancers it will be the same when they will travel overseas to any Crown Cup event (starting at Crown Cup Vilnius in August 2018 and ending in Crown Cup Barcelona in June 2019). That makes it more attractive for US dancers to travel, which is great for everyone!
Also, as DanceVision Circuit awards are held each year in the Emerald Ball (1st-6th of May, 2018), the equivalent International Awards will be held in Crown Cup Barcelona competition next year (8th of June, 2019).
More about DanceVision Circuit can be found here